Study groups
Worship, prayer and teaching is not just for Sundays. Our faith needs to grow and to be applied to our daily lives. Membership of a small group, which is committed to exploring our faith and supporting one another, greatly assists in our discipleship.
The hurried conversation over coffee on Sunday morning is not enough to help us to really get to know one another. We need to meet intentionally together to share what God is doing in our lives and to pray for one another, the world and the church. We learn through Bible study be able to apply our faith more effectively. We also then discern and develop our gifts and gain confidence to talk to others about our faith.

Pilgrim is a major new teaching and discipleship resource from the Church of England. It aims to help every local church create a place where people can explore the Christian faith together and see how it can be lived out each day.
Pilgrim takes a different approach to other Christian programmes. It approaches the great issues of faith not through persuasion, but participation in a pattern of contemplation and discussion with a group of fellow travellers.