CHURCH SERVICES GOING FORWARD FROM SEPTEMBER You may or may not be aware that in the Deanery due to long term sickness, retirement and existing vacancies there is considerable call upon a limited number of PTO's and SSM's to take Communion services.
Following consultation with the Rural Dean Mark Daborn it has been decided that where and whenever possible there will be two Communion services at St Mary's Bridgnorth and only one Communion service at the following churches per month:-
Acton Round
Astley Abbotts
Aston Eyre
St Leonard's Hall Church
The Monkhopton arrangement of Holy Communion services every other month will stay unchanged as will the existing arrangement at
Oldbury and Quatford as Revd. Marjorie Brooks is content for the existing timetable of Holy Communion services for them to also remain unchanged.
There will be at least one Communion service every Sunday within the Benefice so if your church hasn’t got a Communion service on a particular Sunday you will be most welcome at any other church where a Communion service is taking place. Hopefully should you wish to continue to attend your regular church there will be a Morning Prayer or Family Service there. If for any reason any particular church cannot offer a service we will endeavour to give congregations two weeks notice.