The Bridgnorth and Morville Parishes Team Ministry

Music at St Mary's

The Choir   

John Turnock is our Organist and Director of Music. His contact details are: Dykes Bower, 5 Willow Close, Hilton, Bridgnorth, WV15 5PX

Telephone 01746 716282  Email


Interested in joining our Junior Choir? - Click here.




Joining the Junior Choir - Some frequently asked questions



What will they gain from the experience?

  • They will join another 18 choristers both boys and girls represented by all the schools in the town of Bridgnorth aged from 7 to 16 years of age.
  • They will receive free tuition in the Royal School of Church Music, ‘Voice for life’ scheme and gain medals as they progress up the award scheme!
  • They will be paid if they sing at a wedding in church and a small amount weekly for good attendance!
  • They will receive free choir robes after an initial probation period
  • There are treats and visits in the year such a Firework parties, Skittles nights and  supper at Frankie and Bennies
  • They sing carols for the senior citizens in the area at Christmas time
  • Christian teaching including attending part of the free Sunday school which takes place in the Rectory during the Sunday Service and an opportunity to meet other girls and boys from both primary and secondary schools in the town.
  • An opportunity to play a musical instrument once a month during services and or concerts.

What is the minimum commitment to joining the choir?

  1. Pupils must be in either Year 3, 4, 5 or 6 at a local primary school or attending secondary schools in the town
  2. Attend weekly choir practice on a Thursday from 6.45 until 7.30
  3. Attend a minimum of two Sunday morning services per month at 10.30am (the service ends at 11.40am) unless you are on a family holiday or involved in school events or through illness.
  4. There are no choir practices during August.

My background and experience

  • I am a Headteacher of a school in Shropshire and have fully enhanced CRB checks to work with young people.  There are 12 adults who also sing regularly with the junior choristers.  This is a great opportunity for singing together and meeting other boys and girls from the local schools.

What should I do next?

  • Talk to your child about the commitment particularly number 2 and 3 above.
  • We can only offer twelve places.  The voice test is only 5 minutes long just to see if your child can pitch notes and sing with some confidence a piece they know at school!  It could be a hymn or a secular piece they sing in school.
  • Following the short singing audition your child may be offered a place in the choirYou can stay and listen if you wish.


St. Mary’s Chamber Choir
St. Mary’s also has an enhanced choir which holds two to three concerts a year. Details of how to join and samples of the repertoire are on a linked website which can be found here
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